Lindsay Raymon-James
How furious she was at the hand fate dealt her, at the darkness blotting the hearts of men. And yet, she was no more immune than the rest of them. She’d lie, steal, cheat, kill—all if it meant saving her own skin or protecting the few things she cared for. [Aaren]
The Wayward Sword
About Lindsay Raymon-James
Lindsay Raymon-James decided in third grade that she was supposed to be an author; it just took a few years for her stories to catch up. A long time lover of fantasy, it’s no surprise she ended up crafting her own worlds to gallivant off to when she was supposed to be working on “taxes”. Now, she can’t imagine life without stories as she continues to challenge herself to step into new and fantastical projects, pushing herself to always be growing in her craft. She does find referring to herself in the third-person a bit strange, though.
Published Works
The Wayward Sword
Heroes of Valara Series
As long as Aaren poses as a man, none of her crewmates aboard the Crimson Lord can guess at her mysterious past. But when her disguise is exposed, she must return to land to prove herself and regain her crew’s trust. Her mission is simple: steal a ring off the king’s neck.